
deck railing

Railings and handrails are the picket fences of outdoor living areas. They have a function in marking borders, and in the case of handrails are an important safety function as well, but much of their importance is appearance. With their neat, regular lines they suggest order and peace as well as stating clearly that a house is a home and a well cared for one at that. So talk to Charlotte Deck Repair about where your home could benefit from railings, what kind of railings we can build for you, and just how to increase the curbside appeal and overall value of your home with a set of railings that perfectly completes and complements your outdoor living areas, steps, and porches.
Steps up to a door can create a sense of dignity, even majesty for an entrance, but without handrails they are a liability. Carefully chosen handrails can give a classic look to steps up to porch or around a pool area but should also be selected with safety in mind particularly to help the young and elderly get a grip as they go up or down. At Charlotte Deck Repair we can supply beautiful looking wooden handrails, so smooth they are guaranteed splinter free, but shaped so that they naturally fill the hand and give a solid grip where it's needed. Talk to us today about the style and material of handrails that would add the most value to your home and do the most to protect your nearest and dearest.
Metal and Wood
While most people think of perfectly white wooden rails – preferably matching a 
perfect wooden picket fence – there are many styles of railing to choose from for your home. If you want a traditional look with a twist you should talk to Charlotte Deck Repair about the possibilities of metal railings topped with wooden handrails. Think traditional cast iron, or modernist mat black metal and you'll begin to get the picture. Get in touch with us at Charlotte Deck Repair and we'll help you choose just what look you want. 
Railing Shapes
If you're thinking flat sided or square section railings you're imagining a clean and timeless look but railings can be lathe turned to all sorts of shapes from elaborately turned shapes to ovals and perfect rod shapes. Different styles can set a tone anywhere from classical European to modernist so talk to the railing experts at Charlotte Deck Repair and we'll be happy to show you through our catalogs of different railing types and the effects they create.
Different Types of Wood Railings
There are so many different types of railings to choose from and so many looks beyond white. Among the wood types that create great long lasting railings are maple, ash, pine, mahogany, and oak each of which brings its own long lasting great looks and style to your home. If you're concerned about native woods or sustainable forestry talk to the wood experts at Charlotte Deck Repair and we will help you pick the wood that not only looks good but makes you feel good all over. 

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Deck Railing

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